
Beautiful Basil

Basil is the essence of summer. True, it is available year-round in most supermarkets, but to see it flourish in its full glory in the summer sun is what makes it so delightful. Just plant it in a generous sized pot to give it plenty of room to grow, let it see plenty of sun, and watch nature do the rest. If you're still buying your basil at the store and paying way too much, I encourage you to get your own basil plant and you'll have access to fresh basil all summer long---whenever you need it.

This aromatic herb actually comes from the mint family. In the classic sense, we tend to associate it with Italian/Mediterranean cuisine, but it was actually native to Africa, Southeast Asia, India and South America. It was introduced to Europe 2000 years ago. When we think of basil, we typically think of the sweet basil variety like the one you see here. Don't forget about Thai and Opal basil varieties too.

I love the classic flavor and aroma of basil----I could sniff it all day long. It adds complexity and depth to our dishes and has that unmistakable flavor. But it's also incredibly good for you too.

Doctor's Health Tip: Did you know that just one ounce of fresh basil has more than TWO times the daily requirement of vitamin A? You can also find calcium and Vit C in it too.

Pure food, beautiful basil---unprocessed, untouched---provides so much flavor, nutrition, beauty. Ah, pure food...

I encourage you to take advantage of the summer bounty of natural beautiful herbs, it adds so much depth, flavor and layers to our dishes. I'm also growing mint and dill which are two other quintessential summer herbs, and of course, you always need to have some thyme and rosemary around too. It's great to have it available all summer long. So plant some in a pot, put it on your deck or windowsill or garden.

I could go on and on about my other herbs and their wonderful qualities----but today, it's all about beautiful bountiful basil.


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